Weapons Sizing for your Growing Martial Artist

Weapons Sizing for your Growing Martial Artist

As a parent their is always one thing you can count on...as soon as you get something, your child will outgrow it immediately! So when your little martial artist starts to train with their first weapon, its a big investment. Both in time training and financially. The last thing you want is to have to replace a weapon that's too small every time you turn around. But how do you maximize your savings while ensuring your martial artist  is also training safely?  Surly buying the largest weapon for them to grow into is the best bet, they will just grow into right? This is by far the fastest way to lengthen the learning curve on any weapon and lead to frustration and possibly injury due to an improper weapon size! Each weapon can be looked at differently in how sizing plays into efficient  training, a shorter learning curve and lowering the risk of injury. 

The easiest weapons to size is most student first, the Bo Staff. The best recommendation for a growing student is no more than two inches taller than the user, and is considered, "outgrown" when it has reached the bridge of the nose or about 2 inches shorter than the user. A Bo that is too tall can can lead to improper hand placement  and difficultly in performing many rolls and tricks. 

For Nunchuck the standard handle length is 11 inches. This is a fairly universal size and works for student around age 7 up to most adults. A shorter handle of 10 inches can be a good fit for students under age 7. Generally if holding a pair of nunchuck against a user forearm it should just fit within the bend of the arm.  A longer handle of 12 inches is recommended for taller students  or adults with a long reach. Chucks that are too long can potentially be dangerous and difficult to handle and lead to an abundance of misses and hits to the user. 

Kamas also come in a universal standard size of 14 inch handles and most include a grip to aid in better hand placement. Handle size should take into account the proper balance of the handle with the blade counterbracing the length of the handle.  Once again the standard handle works well for student ages 7/8 up to adults of all sizes.  A shorter handle down to 12 inches would be sufficient for students under the age of 6. 

At Ultimate Weapons we offer sizes for student of all sizes and skill levels so you can always give you best, on the mat or in the ring, be Ultimate! 

Always train under the guidance of your instructors and treat your weapons with care and respect to ensure long use. 

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